Bernarr MacFadden’s Physical Culture Creed


The Physical Culture Creed

We Believe…

That our bodies are our most glorious possession; that health-wealth is our greatest asset; that every influence which interferes with the attainment of superb, buoyant health should be recognised as a menace.

We maintain that weakness is truly a crime; that sickness is the penalty of violated health laws; that every man can be a vigorous, vital specimen of masculinity; that every woman can be splendidly strong.

We believe that the requirements in the building of glorious health are:

First: Pure air and sunlight whenever obtainable; through ventilation of living rooms.

Second: Wholesome diet of ‘Vital foods, well masticated, eaten only at the dictates of a normal appetite’ frequent fasting of a day or two if need.’

Third: Reasonably regular use of the muscular system throughout the entire body in work, in the gymnasium, on the athletic field or otherwise.

Fourth: Thorough cleanliness, which requires frequent baths – cold baths for a tonic, hot baths for cleanliness – though dry friction with the open hands, brush or towel is also valuable.

Fifth: Right mental attitude; thinking is a powerful factor in maintaining vital health and can be constructive or destructive. The mind can build you up or tear you down.

Yours for health,

Bernarr MacFadden.

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