Guest Post: The Best Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients for Joint Pain Relief

Joint pain can be extremely unpleasant, and in certain cases, it can be severe and insufferable. This condition prevents affected people from performing some of their regular daily routines, and although it’s most common in elderly people, all age groups can suffer from it. Various medical issues, including osteoarthritis, gout, bursitis, strains, sprains, simple inflammation, or rheumatoid arthritis, are responsible for joint pain. The knee is usually very prone to pain, but other joints such as hips, shoulders, or ankles are also susceptible to this medical issue. As some of these conditions trigger inflammation, it’s highly beneficial to use natural ingredients to relieve the pain as they don’t have side effects.

Cayenne pepper

Generally speaking, capsaicin, which is cayenne’s active ingredient, can alleviate joint pain. This ingredient gives cayenne peppers their distinctive hot and spicy taste, and it’s used in topical creams for pain relief. Basically, the heat caused by capsaicin tricks your pain receptors by desensitizing the nerves and inhibiting the pain. You can either purchase pre-made cream at the pharmacy, or you can make your own ointment by adding ½ of cayenne pepper to a cup of warm olive or almond oil and mixing the ingredients. A study has reported that almost 80% of people who treated their painful joints by applying capsaicin experienced relief.


Epsom salt

Epsom salt is actually a magnesium sulfate compound, and it’s used as for treating a wide range of medical issues, but it’s most commonly known as a pain reliever. There are all kinds of magnesium supplements that you can take to help you with joint pain, but Epsom salt is the most effective one since it’s used in the form of a bath. The thing is that magnesium is absorbed much faster through the skin, while warm water works by relaxing your sore muscles and joints and making them more flexible.


Many people use this spice for cooking, without being aware that this yellow plant that belongs to the ginger family has some powerful medicinal properties, mainly because of its organic compound called curcumin, which has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. To enjoy the benefits of turmeric, simply mix it with ginger and make some tea. Another way of taking advantage of this effective anti-inflammatory ingredient is through health supplements with curcumin.


Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil has been listed among the most potent essential oils for relieving inflammation and swelling. The oil obtained from the leaves of this tree native to Australia has many other beneficial properties, and rubbing it into the skin and joints can help you get rid of the excruciating pain. Make your own ointment by combining 5-10 drops of eucalyptus and peppermint oil with 1-2 tablespoons of carrier oil.

Omega 3-fatty acids

Omega 3-fatty acids are known for their numerous health benefits, mainly because they can reduce the risk of heart disease, lower blood pressure, help with diabetes, and reduce symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. The problem lies in the fact that our body can’t produce these essential fatty acids, critical for suppressing inflammation and treating autoimmune diseases, such as RA, so it’s recommended to eat tuna, salmon, mackerel, herring, or lake trout twice a week as these types of fish are rich in omega 3-fatty acids.


White willow bark

This plant is known to have potent anti-inflammatory, immunity-boosting, and antiseptic properties due to salicin which acts as a painkiller and analgesic. Once you digest it, your body transforms salicin into salicylic acid, a component that is used as an active ingredient in aspirin. Unlike other pain relievers, this herb doesn’t have gastrointestinal side effects. Willow bark can be taken in the form of capsules, but it’s much better to brew it as tea.

Joint pains can significantly reduce the quality of your life, and since commercial painkillers have lots of side effects, it’s a much better idea to turn to nature and use medicinal herbs and plants.

Author Bio

Nicole is a lifestyle blogger passionate about yoga, fitness and healthy living. She enjoys sharing her experiences and ideas on how to lead a happy and healthy life. If you want to read more from Nicole you can find her on Twitter and FB

4 thoughts on “Guest Post: The Best Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients for Joint Pain Relief

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  1. I have been dealing with rheumatoid arthritis for my whole life, it started about in my early 30s back in the 90s. I would have my hand swell up to big red balloons around my knuckles and I wouldn’t be able to move the hands at all. What I did notice that helped relieve the pain, but not the swelling was Absorbine Jr. The arthritis cream made it easier with the stiffness and the pain when I had the worst conditions. The swelling and the movement were still bad though and sometimes that made it hard to do the easiest of tasks around the house. The thing I noticed at first and the early signs were pain and the swelling. The swelling where my knuckles would get red where the first indications that I had rheumatoid arthritis I searched for alternative treatments and started on rheumatoid arthritis herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, my symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the rheumatoid arthritis disease natural herbal formula.i read reviews from other previous patients who used the herbal formula,i am now active, i can now go about daily exercise!! Visit there website www. healthherbalclinic. net or email Info@ healthherbalclinic. net herbs are truly gift from God.

  2. I had a surgery in 2007 in which three bones were taken out of my left wrist. I now have arthritis pain, and I was looking for something to supplement the Aleve I’m taking. Part of my embarassment at asking is that no one believes that a 21 year old can have arthritis.
    I had a condition called Kienbock’s Disease. It’s where the lunate bone deteriorates. Just a little info on why I have arthritis. Please help if you can
    I already read a good article:
    it helped me a lots.

    1. Hi Suzi thanks so much for stopping by and for the really interesting article. I’m very sorry to hear about your pain – my partner in her mid-twenties suffers from arthritis so it does happen.

      The best advice I have is really to get to a specialist in your area. We were embarrassed initially but my God she has made a difference!

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