Alan Calvert, ‘General Training Program’, Health, Strength and Development (Philadelphia, c. 1920s).

Hundreds of prospective pupils write me to ask how long they will have to train; how much time they will have to spend each week, etc., etc. This seems a good place to answer those questions. The average pupil practices the first course in developing exer­cises for two or three months. He practices every other... Continue Reading →

Louis Abele’s Back Program c. 1948

Although unknown to the modern olympic lifter, Abele was one of America’s finest lifters during the 1940s and 1950s. Unfortunately he was overshadowed by fellow US lifters John Grimek, Steve Stanko, and John Davis during the course of his career. Similarly the outbreak of the Second World War denied Abele the chance to lift at... Continue Reading →

Forgotten Exercise: Lat Pulldown Curl

So, cards on the table, I recently reread The Complete Keys to Progress by John McCallum. The result of Randall Strossen's meticulous collecting, The Complete Keys details McCallum's numerous articles for Strength and Health magazine. Admittedly McCallum's work was more concerned with rapid bulk and strength building practices, The Complete Keys still has some things to say about bodybuilding and defining exercises. One... Continue Reading →

Fitness Programmes in the 1960s: Dennis the Menace, Mr. Wilson’s Uncle When I say mid-century fitness programme, you're probably thinking of Jack LaLanne's long running programme broadcast across the USA. While this is a fair assumption to make, old Jackie boy was not the only individual concerned with improving America's health and wellbeing. Broadcast in 1962, the following 'Dennis the Menace' episode revolves around... Continue Reading →

The History of the Glute Ham Raise

Owing to the inquisitive nature of a PCS reader, I've finally gotten my act together, or at least come close enough to some semblance of normality, to go down the rabbit hole once again. The topic of todays post, is the rather more niche but nevertheless effective Glute Ham Raise (GHR) machine. Having spent years... Continue Reading →

The History of the Plank Exercise

Chances are every single one of use has spent a seemingly endless amount of time stuck in the 'plank' position shown above. When I first began weight training for rugby as a starry eyed teen we did every kind of vacation imagine. We did it for time, we moved in circles, we placed weights, and... Continue Reading →

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