How Do You a Single Handed Dead Lift? 1920s Style

The following post is taken directly from Thomas Inch's 1920s work, On Strength. Inch, as we have previously discussed on Physical Culture Study, was one of the early and influential British physical culturists. Inch was a weightlifter, weightlifting organizer and a prolific writer. He wrote for several decades with Health and Strength magazine, likely contributed... Continue Reading →

Machine Training in the 1940s

For anyone skeptical of the weird and wonderful modern gym equipment found in the dark recesses of the internet, it's important to note that unscrupulous salesmen and women have long sought to capitalise on people's better nature. For every individual willing to spend months and years working out, there's two more seeking to get fit... Continue Reading →

Deadlifting Cheese at the World’s Strongest Man (1983)

I have, I believe, been fairly open about my love of the World's Strongest Man, specifically the opening decade of the competition. Whereas today's competition is professional, modern and scientific, the contests of yesteryear were undoubtedly more tongue-in-cheek. This is not to say that the contests were no less contested and the competitors impressive but... Continue Reading →

How Do You a Single Handed Dead Lift? 1920s Style

The following post is taken directly from Thomas Inch's 1920s work, On Strength. Inch, as we have previously discussed on Physical Culture Study, was one of the early and influential British physical culturists. Inch was a weightlifter, weightlifting organizer and a prolific writer. He wrote for several decades with Health and Strength magazine, likely contributed... Continue Reading →

Fitness Programmes in the 1960s: Dennis the Menace, Mr. Wilson’s Uncle When I say mid-century fitness programme, you're probably thinking of Jack LaLanne's long running programme broadcast across the USA. While this is a fair assumption to make, old Jackie boy was not the only individual concerned with improving America's health and wellbeing. Broadcast in 1962, the following 'Dennis the Menace' episode revolves around... Continue Reading →

How Do You a Single Handed Dead Lift? 1920s Style

The following post is taken directly from Thomas Inch's 1920s work, On Strength. Inch, as we have previously discussed on Physical Culture Study, was one of the early and influential British physical culturists. Inch was a weightlifter, weightlifting organizer and a prolific writer. He wrote for several decades with Health and Strength magazine, likely contributed... Continue Reading →

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