Forgotten Exercises: The Rader Chest Pull

Having previously discussed the history of the squat exercise, today's post examines the creation of the Rader Chest Pull, an exercise that Peary Rader, one of the Irongame's biggest names in the twentieth-century, often used in conjunction with the squat. Typically Rader would inform trainees to perform this exercise directly after a set of twenty... Continue Reading →

The History of the Reverse Grip Bench Press

Without doubt one of the odder movements in the gym goers' repertoire, the reverse grip bench press is a lift you're unlikely to see on a regular basis. Somewhat circus-like in its execution, the lift is nevertheless an invaluable one to those suffering from issues of shoulder mobility and I'd suggest, boredom. A fun lift... Continue Reading →

Now an Award Winning Website!

Just a quick word of thanks to everyone who voted in Common Ground Network's Publisher Prize. My book, The History of Physical Culture won the prize thanks, in no small part, to the votes from people who read my work every week on this website. I began this website in 2014 and, scarily, am nearly... Continue Reading →

Movie Review: Dream Big (Marc Martinez, 2022)

I loved this movie. That's it. Review done. Watch it here. More seriously, Marc Martinez has created a documentary about bodybuilding's Golden Age that manages to do what so many Iron Game documentaries struggle with - he captures the wonder of bodybuilding. This is a movie centred on California and bodybuilding from the late 1940s... Continue Reading →

Guest Post: History of Sports and the Media: An overview

Sports and the media have had a symbiotic relationship throughout history. From ancient civilizations to modern times, sports have always been an essential part of human society, providing a means of entertainment, competition, and physical activity. Sports have also played a crucial role in shaping cultural identity, providing a sense of community, and creating shared... Continue Reading →

21s in Bodybuilding Lore

What teen or young lifter hasn't been seduced by the idea of bigger biceps? Indeed in the bodybuilding universe of both males and females, no pose is more iconic that the front or back double bicep pose. A difficult set of muscles to grow, except of course for the genetically gifted, the biceps have been... Continue Reading →

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