The Rise of Split Training in Bodybuilding

Chest/Triceps, Back/Biceps and Legs/Shoulders. The Holy Trinity of bodybuilding split routines. Nowadays the idea of split routines is so ingrained in the fitness community that the idea of whole body training for anyone other than a beginner is scoffed at. This is despite the fact that men like Eugen Sandow, George Hackenschmidt right up to Reg Park... Continue Reading →

Milo of Croton, the Father of Resistance Training

Who invented progressive resistance training? Or in simpler terms, who discovered that lifting heavier and heavier loads made one bigger and stronger? It's a strange question admittedly. A question that we may never be able to answer. Luckily that hasn't stopped people trying. One such theory comes from the magical world of Greek mythology. A body... Continue Reading →

Fitness in the Classical Age

Were people as concerned with being fit and healthy two thousand years ago? The need to be fit isn't a new phenomenon. In fact two thousand years ago, the the ability to run fast, lift heavy things and punch hard was arguably much more important than it is today. For many civilisations it was matter... Continue Reading →

The Rise of Split Training in Bodybuilding

Chest/Triceps, Back/Biceps and Legs/Shoulders. The Holy Trinity of bodybuilding split routines. Nowadays the idea of split routines is so ingrained in the fitness community that the idea of whole body training for anyone other than a beginner is scoffed at. This is despite the fact that men like Eugen Sandow, George Hackenschmidt right up to Reg Park... Continue Reading →

Pumping Iron: The History of the Bench Press

The Bench Press, one of the most primitive and effective exercises in the weight room. Despite it's much revered status, few of us know about the fascinating history of the bench press, a lift that evolved to suit the needs of a growing professionalism in competitive weightlifting. Having previously examined the history of the squat,... Continue Reading →

Fitness in the Classical Age

Were people as concerned with being fit and healthy two thousand years ago? The need to be fit isn't a new phenomenon. In fact two thousand years ago, the the ability to run fast, lift heavy things and punch hard was arguably much more important than it is today. For many civilisations it was matter... Continue Reading →

Milo of Croton, the Father of Resistance Training

Who invented progressive resistance training? Or in simpler terms, who discovered that lifting heavier and heavier loads made one bigger and stronger? It's a strange question admittedly. A question that we may never be able to answer. Luckily that hasn't stopped people trying. One such theory comes from the magical world of Greek mythology. A body... Continue Reading →

The Rise of Split Training in Bodybuilding

Chest/Triceps, Back/Biceps and Legs/Shoulders. The Holy Trinity of bodybuilding split routines. Nowadays the idea of split routines is so ingrained in the fitness community that the idea of whole body training for anyone other than a beginner is scoffed at. This is despite the fact that men like Eugen Sandow, George Hackenschmidt right up to Reg Park... Continue Reading →

Pumping Iron: The History of the Bench Press

The Bench Press, one of the most primitive and effective exercises in the weight room. Despite it's much revered status, few of us know about the fascinating history of the bench press, a lift that evolved to suit the needs of a growing professionalism in competitive weightlifting. Having previously examined the history of the squat,... Continue Reading →

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