The History of 20 Rep Squats

Though few exercise programmes maintain a venerated status for long in the Iron Game, the mystique surrounding 20 Rep Squat programmes has endured. As hinted by the name, such programmes require lifters to back squat twenty times before unloading the bar, and in my own experience, lying on the ground questioning your decision-making. Primarily touted... Continue Reading →

The History of the Pull Up

There are some exercises so basic, so ubiquitous and so difficult that their origins are often taken for granted. Previously when detailing the history of the squat, we encountered the difficultly of tracing a movement found in every culture and arguably every human movement. The Chin Up and the Pull Up exercises offer a similar... Continue Reading →

A Brief History of the Barbell

Whether you bodybuild, power lift, cross fit or simply keep fit, there's no denying the importance of the barbell to your training. Easily adjustable, stable under enormous weights and challenging to the nth degree, barbells are a time honoured means of building muscle and strength. Yet despite the barbell's unrivalled popularity amongst the current gym... Continue Reading →

Why Crossfit Is Here To Stay

We’re not going to be starting a war on which system is better and why it is. The simple fact is that CrossFit has made a big impact and it doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere too soon. There are a lot of people who have been getting into exercise through this particularly high-intensity system... Continue Reading →

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