Ian King, ‘How Hard Should I Train?,’ Get Buffed (2002)

For better or for worse I grew up in the early internet days of the fitness industry. Combining Joe Weider magazines with random forums, I hobbled together a training program guaranteed to blitz my biceps, slice my quads and shred my abs. That at least, was the promise. I remember training long hours every day... Continue Reading →

The Rise and Fall of the Side Bend

Yes. This is an entire article about the history and development of the side bend. No I am not running out of content but yes I am procrastinating my book on the history of women's Olympic weightlifting. At the very least, I can say that my procrastination is productive right? And, in my defense, a... Continue Reading →

The History of 20 Rep Squats

Though few exercise programmes maintain a venerated status for long in the Iron Game, the mystique surrounding 20 Rep Squat programmes has endured. As hinted by the name, such programmes require lifters to back squat twenty times before unloading the bar, and in my own experience, lying on the ground questioning your decision-making. Primarily touted... Continue Reading →

Forgotten Exercises: The JM Press

The Westside Barbell club run by Louie Simmons, is one of the current institutions of the iron game. Known for producing champion powerlifters and even effective machines such as the Reverse Hyper Extension, there is little doubting the club's importance for lifters, whether or not they adhere to powerlifting itself. In today's short post, we're... Continue Reading →

How Do You a Single Handed Dead Lift? 1920s Style

The following post is taken directly from Thomas Inch's 1920s work, On Strength. Inch, as we have previously discussed on Physical Culture Study, was one of the early and influential British physical culturists. Inch was a weightlifter, weightlifting organizer and a prolific writer. He wrote for several decades with Health and Strength magazine, likely contributed... Continue Reading →

The History of the Reverse Grip Bench Press

Without doubt one of the odder movements in the gym goers' repertoire, the reverse grip bench press is a lift you're unlikely to see on a regular basis. Somewhat circus-like in its execution, the lift is nevertheless an invaluable one to those suffering from issues of shoulder mobility and I'd suggest, boredom. A fun lift... Continue Reading →

Forgotten Exercises: English Style Deadlifts

Admittedly this is an exercise for your physical culture purist. Stemming from the early origins of physical culture in the late nineteenth-century, English style deadlifts are unlikely to be seen in your gym any time soon. Nevertheless, this style of lifting was hugely popular amongst British and European lifters of yesteryear. Used by Goliaths like... Continue Reading →

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