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Tom Platz Leg Day


A legend in the Iron Game both for his physique and the intensity brought to his training, Tom Platz or the ‘Golden Eagle’, is synonymous with one of the most impressive quad sweeps in bodybuilding. In a rare bit of training footage, uploaded to Youtube courtesy of  ‘neandertalensis66‘, the below clip details Platz’s understandings of the Squat, Hack Squat, Leg Extension and Leg Curl.

Of interest to us should not be the poundages lifted by Platz but rather the focus he placed on technique and also the variations to these exercises which he believed gave him the edge. Of particular interest to me was Platz’s technique on the Hack Squat machine, which at the bottom position resembled the sissy squats favoured by Gironda. You’ll no doubt find other interesting tidbits…

As always…happy lifting!

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