Who Invented the Barbell Complex?

In a former life as a teenage rugby player we did some dumb stuff in the gym. Heavy squats with bad form? Yup. Olympic lifts with rounded backs? You betcha. I trained around the time that 'functional training' was all the rage so I even have memories of friends back squatting on Swiss balls! Yes... Continue Reading →

John McCallum on Sleep

Once upon a time there were two skinny young men who trained in a commercial gym downtown. The gym was not overly large, nor was it especially fancy, but it had good solid equipment and lots of weight. This was probably fortunate because it was usually crowded in the evening. The gym also had lots... Continue Reading →

The History of the Dumbbell Pullover

Earlier this week I was given a very generous gift. The gift in question was a complete set of Wills' Cigarette Cards. Produced for an Irish and English audience in 1914, the cards depicted various physical culture exercises one could engage in to keep fit and healthy. The irony that the cards could only be... Continue Reading →

Sig Klein’s Beginner Workout

Earlier this year I had the great fortune to visit the H.J. Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture and Sports in Texas. Founded by Jan and Terry Todd, the Stark Center is a playground for anoraks like me. Containing the collections of Bernarr MacFadden, Professor Atilla, Bob Hoffman and several other Iron Game legends, Stark... Continue Reading →

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