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Alan Calvert, ‘General Training Program’, Health, Strength and Development (Philadelphia, c. 1920s).


Hundreds of prospective pupils write me to ask how long they will have to train; how much time they will have to spend each week, etc., etc. This seems a good place to answer those questions.

The average pupil practices the first course in developing exer­cises for two or three months. He practices every other day (that is, once in 48 hours), and the practice period covers about 30 minutes.

By the end of the second or third month the pupil has attained a certain degree of strength and development, and then his training program is altered. On two days a week he will practice the more strenuolls of the developing exercises from the first course, and two other days a week he will practice the Eight Standard Lifts; that is, the second course. He keeps up this training for two or three months and during that period the time consumed is about three hours a week.

The Standard Lifts Course, as well as the First Course in Devel­oping Exercise, is given free to every pupil who buys a bell-whether it be a low-priced plate bell or the most expensive MILO TRIPLEX bell on the list.

My special services, as expert advisor, are always at the service of my Advanced Pupils. My principle in training my pupils is that they should first prac­ tice to acquire a powerful, symmetrical, vigorous body and marked muscular development, and then to take up lifting and record work. My most successful·pupils are those who bend their efforts toward securing development first. Note that the strongest men are also the best built.


Some people have the curious idea that if they take up Progress in Dumbbell Exercises they will be expected to tug- and strain with a loo-Ib. Dumbbell as the very first day’s work. They do not seem to realize that the pupil is required to start with moderate weights (IS Ibs. to 50 Ibs. in the single-arm exercises, and 25 Ibs. to 75 Ibs. in the bar-bell exercises, which employ the enormous muscles of the shoul­ ders, back, hips and legs), and then gradually increase the weights, which results in ever-growing strength and development.

A New First Course in Muscle-Developing and Body-Building Exercises

For months past I have been carefully observing and checking the results obtained by my pupils, and have carefully investigated the way they are carrying out instructions. I find that those pupils who perfect the exercises absolutely correctly make almost twice as fast progress o.s those who exercise in a hit-or-miss manner.

In order to get the very best results from his work, a man must exercise correctly; that is, he must stand in a certain way, and move his arms or his back in a certain way, in order to throw the work upon certain groups of muscles. This new course includes 21 exercises, which I have divided into three sections:

Sample illustration from First Course


By this arrangement I have entirely eliminated the necessity of any preliminary work, such as light dumbbell exercise, Indian-club exercise, or anything of that kind!

The five Preliminary Exercises will put anyone in condition wherc he can safely attempt the Regular Exercises in this first course.

The twelve Regular Exercises have been so grouped that there are only a few chanes necessary in the weig-ht and style of the hells­ and this means that the pupil’s time will be saved.

Altogether in the course there are 35 pictures, and most of them are new poses taken especially fOl’ this new course. One of my star pupils, Mr. Anton Matysek, consented to pose for the illustrations for this new course. Two sample illustrations are reDroduced in this folder. The beauty of the pictures themselves will make the course valuable to my pupils, ane! to all others who are interested in muscular development.

I have taken the utmost care in laying out these new exercises. Having’ found that the number of my pupils have been making some mistakes in the manner of performing the exercises, I am, in the most difficult exercises, giving illustrations showing the right way of performing the exercise, and the wrong way. so that the pupil will be able to quick(y determine whether or not he is doing the movement cor­rectly.


The Preliminary Exercises .. The Regular Exercises….. Special Exercises.

5 in number 12 in number 4 in number Total 21 forming the exercise, and the wrong way. so that the pupil will be able to quick(y determine whether or not he is doing the movement cor­ rectly.

No pupil will have to practice all of the 2I exercises. The man or boy of average size and strength will be able to skip the Preliminary work and start right in at the 12 regular Exercises (and possibly one or two of the special exercises if they are needed for development purposes)

This course in­cludes instruc­tions in “‘weightlifting” and shows you ex­actly how to per­ form the eight standard lifts vis:


This course is issued in typewritten form and is accompanied with a chart of 20 illustrations. The photographs illustrating this course (of which samples are shown on this page) were posed for by a well-known weight lifter. Each photograph is perfect in every detail, showing the exact position to assume while making the lifts.

vVe strongly urge everyone of our pupils to get and practice this course, as these lifts not only give great strength, but also teach a man how to USE his strength, besides which they will greatly increase his muscular control.

To practice the Standard Lifts takes a certain amount of strength and skill, but after a man has mastered the body building course, such lifts as the Bent Press enable him to make rapid strides in strength and development.

The price of this course alone is $5.00.

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