John McCallum on Sleep

Once upon a time there were two skinny young men who trained in a commercial gym downtown. The gym was not overly large, nor was it especially fancy, but it had good solid equipment and lots of weight. This was probably fortunate because it was usually crowded in the evening. The gym also had lots... Continue Reading →

Guest Post: Common Sleep Disorders and Their Solutions

Our latest post comes from the wonderful and talented Samantha Olivier from We’re delighted to have Samantha featured on the site again and know you’ll enjoy her latest piece Sleep disorders are numerous, with more than eighty different types affecting people of all ages, genders, and sizes around the world. In the USA alone, more than 70 million... Continue Reading →

Sleep Like a Champion!

The following infographic comes from the good folks over at Casper, highlighting both the importance of sleep for adults and how to increase the sleep you’re already getting. If you're not already familiar with Casper, they are a company that sells sheets, pillows and mattresses. Though we usually focus on how to tire the body out, the following... Continue Reading →

How much sleep do you really need?

How much sleep do you really need? It's a question anyone with an interest in health or fitness has asked themselves at one point or another. Nowadays 7-8 hours a night is prescribed with such regularity that it becomes almost annoying. To help us determine what makes a good sleep and how long we should... Continue Reading →

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