John Christy, Why Aren’t I Getting Bigger?, Hardgainer Magazine, May/June (2003)

Author’s note: If you're wondering why this isn't the second installment of "The Keys to Success" series, it’s because the article “out-grew" the pages of HARDGAINER. l've decided to turn "The Keys to Success" into my first book. I should have it completed by the end of the year. Ah, the grand old question of... Continue Reading →

Fernando Vallejo, ‘Things Happen, and Lessons to Learn’, Hardgainer Magazine, September (2002), 32-33.

This article may make for uncomfortable reading. It’s been included to illustrate why it’scritical that you’re always sensible and conservative in your training. No matter how experienced one may be, the rules of sensible training still apply. Properly done, weight training is very safe and healthy, but take liberties and it becomes a dangerous activity.... Continue Reading →

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