Hemp/CBD Oil: Its History and Benefits

CBD or cannabidiol is one of the hottest topics that has been doing rounds among people for quite some time now. People argue about the benefits that CBD oil brings with it, while some argueabout the potential risks that it may have. While there are limited studies about CBD oil and its benefits, people have... Continue Reading →

Forgotten Exercises: Monkey Rows

Monkey or Armpit Rows... Admittedly it's not the most enticing of names. Regardless of its poor labelling the following exercise is one of my favourite forgotten exercises of recent times. A godsend for individuals with shoulder pain, Monkey Rows offer a great alternative to commonplace exercises for trap and deltoid development like the upright row.... Continue Reading →

The History of the Bosu Ball

Part of the functional training fetish exhibited by members of the strength and conditioning community in the opening decade of the twenty-first century, the Bosu Ball was not too long ago, a ubiquitous piece of gym equipment. Nowadays found in the corner of the gym floor, if at all, the Bosu Ball, along with the... Continue Reading →

The History of the Foam Roller

What could be simpler? Just hop on a piece of foam and roll up and down... anyone could do that right? Yes, anyone can but few do. Why? Mainly because it hurts. It's effective but my god is it sore. Yes today we are talking about the foam roller, the cost-effective means of massaging aching muscles and... Continue Reading →

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