Dorian Yates’ Olympia Winning Workout

The following workout comes from the wonderful A Portrait of Dorian Yates: The Ultimate Bodybuilding Guide from the Ultimate Bodybuilder by the late Peter McGough. For those who don't know, Peter was one of bodybuilding's most authoritative journalists for several decades. He was intimately linked with Dorian and it was Peter who bestowed Dorian with... Continue Reading →

A Few Sandovian Stage Feats

I love feats of strength. Admittedly that's not the most surprising admission given the purpose of this website but it is one worth stating every now and then. It doesn't matter if it is someone lifting a barbell or a bale of heavy. Make it heavy enough and I will watch it or, if I... Continue Reading →

Is Heavy Exercise Dangerous?

The following Chapter comes from Mark Berry's wondeful book from the 1930s Physical Training Simplified. In it, Berry addresses one of the biggest questions from his era, is lifting safe? Enjoy! Bar Bell Exercise is Different Than Competitive or Record Lifting. But Does the Weight Lifter Run Any Risks? In the minds of some persons... Continue Reading →

The Controversial History of ZMA

One of the unquestioned staples of bodybuilding supplementation, ZMA is often up there with creatine and protein in terms of popularity. Rumoured to increase testosterone, muscle mass and your chance of bizarre dreams, ZMA is promoted as a cheap and effective supplement for the average gym goer. In my own brief training experience, it's something... Continue Reading →

A Brief History of the Swiss Ball

Whether you've attempted to train your 'core' or perform some simple rehab exercises, chances are you've used a Swiss Ball at some point in your training career. So where did the Swiss Ball come from? What was it's purpose and how did they become so popular? Swiss Ball Origins  Remarkably given its popular name, the Swiss Ball... Continue Reading →

Recollections of Louis Cyr by W. A. Pullum

Once in a generation, it has been said, a super-athlete arises whose prowess astonishes the world. Several generations have come and gone, however, since Louis Cyr arose and showed what he could do. Since that time nothing approaching his extraordinary performances has ever been seen. Louis Cry, French-Canadian, was born in the little hamlet of... Continue Reading →

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